The right provision of fire extinguishers keeps your business protected and operating legally. The fire extinguishers Scotland requires are detailed in legislation and there are a wide range of different extinguishers that you may need to have on site. Let’s look more closely at the types of fire extinguisher available.

What types of fire extinguisher are there?

There are five different types of fire extinguisher available, they are:

  • Water
  • Foam
  • Dry powder
  • Co2
  • Wet chemical

To ensure you’re properly protected, and you meet fire safety regulations, you need to have the right types of fire extinguisher for your business premises. Finding out which type is best for your premises depends on what your business does and the potential risks on site. Up to date risk assessment is essential for ensuring you know what extinguishers you need. Similarly, you need to understand the different classes of fire so you know which extinguishers to use in the event of fire.

What are the different classes of fire?

There are six different classes of fire. They are:

  • Class A – combustible materials –flammable solids such as textiles, wood and paper cause these fires.
  • Class B – flammable liquids –flammable liquids such as paint, spirits or petrol cause these fires.
  • Class C – flammable gases – gases such as butane or propane cause these fires
  • Class D – flammable metals –metals such as lithium, potassium and magnesium cause these fires
  • Class E – electrical equipment –machines and electronics such as computers and photocopiers cause these fires
  • Class F – cooking oils: cooking oils such as butter, olive oil or any cooking liquid cause these fires

Safe Fire Extinguisher Use

A vital element of fire safety is appropriate and correct usage of fire extinguishers. Only trained and experienced team members should use fire extinguishers. You should only activate your fire extinguishers once the fire alarm is sounded or there is physical evidence of fire. You should also ensure there is a safe evacuation route before considering fighting a fire. Evacuate immediately if you do not feel safe using extinguishers and call the fire service as soon as possible.

Fire extinguisher training should be something you consider for all staff as it gives them additional confidence in the event of a fire. Knowing how and when to use your fire extinguishers helps ensure peace of mind. It also helps add a layer of protection to your workplace.

Help with Fire Extinguishers Scotland

1st Choice Fire Protection Services support businesses across Scotland with their fire safety and preventative measures. The fire extinguishers Scotland needs for safety and protection are something we can help you with so get in touch today.

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